I.D.E.A. Newsletter 5: Providing Value and Finding Harmony

Howdy friends! 👋🏻

Can you believe this newsletter has grown 10X since the last issue?! That's crazy humbling!

I'm grateful for each of you who've decided to come along this visual journey with me. Thank you for all the love, encouragement, and support in the DMs and on Twitter! Recently, I've become more active on Instagram so if you haven't already, play say hello on IG!

In this issue, you may notice I've changed the "A" from I.D.E.A. ("App" => "Analogy") as I felt it fits more with everything else I'm doing.

Let me know what you think by replying back with:

  • Love the change! OR

  • Bring back the app recommendation!

Please enjoy the 5th edition of my I.D.E.A.'s!

- 💙PJ

I: Interesting

I came across this post from Seth Godin's blog about Long Work versus Hard Work. I found the wording of "long work" kind of unclear so I tried to visualize the idea more simply.

Trading your time for money (aka charging per hour) caps your wealth at how much time you have to spend.

Instead, devote your energy to providing high value so you can charge asymmetrically for your time.

D: Drawing

E: Enchanting

A: Analogy

Thank you for reading! 💙

Enjoyed the read? Share the love with fellow clever minds on Twitter!

Until next time! Stay Curious! 👋🏻

PJ Milani


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