In this issue: setting priorities, what teaching is NOT, and why solving all your work problems shouldn't always be your top priority
In this issue: Dive into the nuances of habit formation, add a splash of color to the ordinary, and reflect on a Zen proverb
Most people confuse teaching with telling. But that's not what teaching is about.
In this issue: the speed of committing, a visual metaphor template, the shape of success, and action vs. motion.
We all know the fast burnout, but there's a far more dangerous type.
Overcoming analysis paralysis
The most important thing to answer in your capture system is not 'how', but 'how long.'
What you want to pass on to the people around you should drive your passion.
What are you optimizing for in your life?
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's just going to launch you into something great.
A method I use to come up with ideas for visuals
In this issue: work-life balance, time-saving tip in design layouts, celebrating success, and curiosity-led arguments